Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I've been seeing this guy the past month. He is pretty great and he found me completely randomly which makes things kind of crazy! I'll get into that some other time.
The point of this post is something he said to me while we were lying down the other night. We were joking around and I forget what I said but it was something about never having sex ever and he said loudly, "What?! This is an adult relationship, honey!"
It was so funny and so cute and it makes me laugh hearing his voice in my head say it. But he's totally right. This is, I think, my first adult relationship.
The last guy I was in a relationship with was Nic. It feels different from that and that relationship was a serious one. He wanted me to move to Germany with him. Sheesh can you imagine if that worked? I don't know if I ever could have really gone through with it. Freaking Germany! Way too far away from everything I love here. I'd love to visit, but not live. Also his family was nuts!haha
That was one of the worst weeks ever, in regards to happy things. I mean it's weird. The first time I met Nic, when I looked into his eyes the first thought I had in my mind was "I'm going to marry this guy." But thank goodness that never went any further. That was my first initial feeling, but it didn't exactly stay there. I thought I could when really I was just trying to believe it. I was just trying to prolong it, thinking this was the best I had in store for me. Thinking this was the greatest guy ever.
Little did I know almost two years later Aaron would come barreling into my life.

I'm afraid of things, naturally. I've never really been in this place before and I hope it doesn't go away as quickly as it showed up. That would be awful! I can't imagine things without him and you can't make me! :P Even though I have thought about it before.
I don't know why but I have this problem with people where if we get into a fight I think they are going to completely up and leave on me. So if I have a problem in my head and it's bothering me, I get scared to bring it up because I'm afraid they'll leave. I wonder what that means?
There are too many "I"s in this blog so far.
He is amazing. One of the funniest people I know. So kind and caring. I think he deserves the best.

It just so happens that I call myself "the best" on a regular basis. :)


Stitch-n-Snitch said...

Here's hoping things continue to go well for you! ;)

CheersToDublin said...

Thank you! I hope so too. :P

I just noticed your other comment, too.. Thanks for reading.haha

Ashley said...

"I don't know why but I have this problem with people where if we get into a fight I think they are going to completely up and leave on me. So if I have a problem in my head and it's bothering me, I get scared to bring it up because I'm afraid they'll leave."

I do the exact same thing! Isn't it horrible? I've been with my boyfriend 8 months and I still feel that way most of the time. :(

~Ashley aka ashibby86 from Plurk ;)